About Me
大家好!感谢您访问我的中国和亚洲研究作品集。我叫谭宁,我是圣奥拉夫学 院的大四学生('22),主修中文、亚洲研究、种族和民族研究以及音乐,副修统计和数据科学以及非洲和非洲侨民。我喜欢唱歌、阅读、运动、烘焙、旅行和尝试新事物!在圣奥拉夫期间,我有幸在中国和日本留学,目前我在台湾度过了我的最后一个学期。我希望通过浏览这个网站,您可以了解我在圣奥拉夫和国外的学习和经历!
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my Chinese and Asian Studies Distinction Portfolio. My name is Nate Trasowech, I'm a Senior ('22) at St. Olaf College majoring in Chinese, Asian Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies, and Music, with concentrations in Statistics and Data Science and Africa and the African Diaspora. I love singing, reading, playing sports, baking, traveling, and trying new things! During my time at St. Olaf, I've been privileged enough to study abroad in China and Japan, and am currently spending my final semester abroad in Taiwan. I hope through browsing this website, you'll get a glimpse into my studies and experiences at St. Olaf and abroad!